Elementary School Info

Project Dream Information for Lake County Elementary School

Raquel Contreras | LCES Site Supervisor | 719-293-5363 | rcontreras@lakecountyschools.net

Swim Lessons:

Students attending full-day Friday programs at Project Dream will be registered to attend swim lessons at Swim Squared. This program is different from our swim days at community pools. At Swim Squared, students get personalized coaching from a swimming coach. Students will attend lessons for four consecutive sessions of our normal Friday programs. You will receive a text and email if your student is registered for a swim lesson block. If your student is attending swim lessons, please send them with a swim suit and a towel. Project Dream pays all fees for swim lessons, there are no additional fees for swim lessons. Waivers are required to participate in Swim Squared programs. (English | Spanish)

Dates for swim groups are as follows:

Group 1: 2/28, 3/7, & 4/4

Groups 2A & 2B: 5/2, 5/16, 5/23, & 5/30

General Information: 

Project Dream programs are a part of Lake County Schools, and we are excited to provide enriching programs for your students. Students are expected to apply the norms for behavior and participation they are used to during the school day at Project Dream. All Project Dream programs for grades K-2 will take place at LCES and nearby outdoor spaces, unless otherwise communicated. Please be sure your child is prepared to go outside each day with proper footwear, jacket, gloves, etc. 

Friday Information: 

All-day program– A tuition is charged for K-6 students attending all-day programs with Project Dream on Fridays at LCES & LCIS.

Half-day program– The afternoon portion of the day (12:00 pm-3:30 pm), will remain free for all students. No transportation to Project Dream is available for students arriving at noon for the half-day program.

For the morning, fee-based portion of Fridays, Project Dream provides breakfast and activities that focus and outdoor, physical, and enrichment activities such as swim lessons through Swim Squared, Art club, and STEM club. The afternoon portion includes lunch and activities that focus on social emotional learning, math and Spanish enrichment, and additional activities.


  • All-day: 7:45a – 8:00 am
  • Afternoon: 11:45a-12:00 pm

All-day Program Tuition– we use various rates in order to accommodate each family’s financial situations. Please select the highest rate that your family can afford. Payment will be accepted online through e-funds or by check/cash given to your Site Supervisor (e-funds instructions English | Spanish). Tuition rates are as follows:

  • Rate 1 Tuition: $25 per month
  • Rate 2 Tuition: $75 per month
  • Rate 3 Tuition: $150 per month

Friday Tuition Statements will be sent by email, two weeks prior to the due date. Payment for Friday programming is due by the 1st of the month. First payment is due: September 1, 2024, last payment is due May 1, 2025.

Friday tuition will be considered late if it is not paid on or before the 5th of each month. On the 6th of the month, parents/guardians will be notified of the past due balance and an accounting fee of $10.00 will be added to the bill.

If a student’s Friday schedule changes, parents/guardians will advise the school’s Site Supervisor by providing an updated schedule, and pay in advance for any added hours if space is available. Please note, not all changes will be granted.
Friday tuition is expected for days that your child is absent due to doctor visits, illness, vacation, family emergencies or any other reason. Friday closures for staff professional development, holidays, and unforeseen emergency circumstances are likewise not credited or prorated.

 No student will be turned away due to an inability to pay tuition for a given month. If you are unable to pay tuition for a given month, please reach out to Brandon Reynolds 719-293-5093, or breynolds@lakecountyschools.net.


Transportation is provided if this is a significant barrier for a student to participate.

Afterschool (Monday – Thursday) transportation schedule as of 8/30/24

Project Dream transportation schedule

Friday transportation schedule as of 2/11/2025

After School Information (Mon.-Thu.): 

After school at LCES includes a snack everyday, followed by a club and homework help. Students sign up each day for a club of their interest. 

Special Event Fridays:

Our Special Event Fridays (see Project Dream calendar) will take place for the full day and be free for all students with the transportation schedule adjusted. Students must be registered for Fridays and attend consistently in order to attend Special Event Fridays


  • For afterschool programs, students must be picked up by 6:00 pm. 
  • For Friday programs, students must be picked up by 3:30 pm.

Late Pickup: a fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for each minute after Project Dream closes (6:00 pm Monday-Thursday, 3:30 pm on Fridays) for each student still in our care. If we are unable to contact a parent or emergency contact within 30 minutes, the Department of Human Services will be called.


Registration for Project Dream programs for the 2024-2025 school year is still available. Project Dream creates a waitlist for each site’s programs due to limited capacity. Once registered, our Site Supervisors will determine how many days are available to your student based on the capacity of the program. If you are interested in registering your student for Project Dream programs please contact the LCES Site Supervisor:

Attendance Policy:

For grades K-6, Project Dream Site Supervisors will contact a parent/guardian through text or phone call if a child is expected in site-based after school Project Dream programs and does not arrive. If a student K-6 has more than two unexcused absences for a site-based program they will be dropped from the program. If there is a waiting list at that time, they will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list if they wish to rejoin.

LCSD Project Dream Behavior Guidelines:

The purpose of our programs is to provide a positive, enriching environment for children. Project Dream seeks to support the behavior expectations of Lake County School District through implementation of a restorative justice approach.

If there is a behavior that needs to be addressed, the following steps may be taken. First, the student will be reminded of better choices to make as well as the expectations. The child may be asked to take a break. Then, if behavior is not improved, a one on one check in may take place between the club leader and the student. If behavior continues, the student may check in with both the site supervisor and the club leader. The student will be expected to reflect on their behavior, strategize actions steps, and call home with an action plan. 

If problematic behavior is repeated, the student may create a behavior agreement with the site supervisor. This plan will address the problematic behavior as well as possible consequences. Consequences may include but are not limited to in-program suspension or at-home suspension. Severe behaviors, such as aggression, violence or destruction of property, will require parents/guardians to meet with program staff prior to the student returning to the program. The after school program reserves the right to dismiss a student entirely from the program if all measures have been exhausted.

Students who receive an in-school or out-of-school suspension during the school day, or has otherwise gone home for the day due to a health or wellness reason, are not permitted to attend afterschool programs that day. In addition, Project Dream supervisors and administrators will collaborate with school building administrators to determine the appropriateness of attendance for Project Dream programs based on student behavior.

In some cases, Project Dream may require a chaperone for a student to attend some programs. Due to limited staffing availability and staff training for Project Dream club leaders, participation in some activities may only be appropriate when a student is chaperoned by a trusted adult. It is the responsibility of the chaperone to assist in behavior management and positive engagement for their student. Chaperones are asked to collaborate with the Project Dream Site Supervisor to align on behavior management and support strategies.